Monday, April 12, 2010

Eggs Have Arrived

Our eggs arrived March 19th. We have approximately 250 eggs that are in the eyed stage, it is estimated that they will hatch 3 to 5 weeks after their arrival.
We have set-up our aquarium to imitate a river habitat for our eggs. The students selected rocks from the beach, that we thoroughly washed, we cut insulation to fit around the aquarium and the aquarium cooler unit is set to keep the water at 5 degrees celsius. The insulation works to keep the temperature low and to make a cozy darkened habitat, just like a river sheltered by trees along its banks.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

We Are Fish Friends!!!!

We are going to raise Atlantic salmon in our classroom. In the next couple of weeks, we will set up an aquarium and receive 300 salmon eggs. We thank TD Friends of the Environment for their generous donation that has provided the funds for our project organized by Fédération Québecoise de Saumon Atlantique (FQSA).

Stay tuned for photos, drawings and our observations!!!